Ver 1.3.0 - The plugin just got richer in features!

I'm incredibly excited to share with you all that the next update for RPG Maker Action Combat has arrived! Please check out the video to see the biggest features included in this update, then scroll down a bit further for a complete list of all the changes. :)

What's new in ver 1.3.0?

  • New Feature: Create HUD bars (HP, MP, EXP, Variables) right inside RPG Maker Action Combat without using additional plugins
  • New Feature: Break the limitation of having only 4 self switches A B C D to UNLIMITED
  • New Feature: Toggle debug mode in-game by pressing a button
  • New Feature: Debug mode now also display event Id + name
  • New Feature: Restrict Region ID, Building and Wall. All characters won't be able to cross even if they have Through ON
  • New Feature: Allow Region ID. Characters can walk across this region ID  in all circumstances
  • New Feature: Keyboard/Gamepad menu option
  • New Feature: An option to disable Formation feature in menu
  • New Feature: Player Dash Speed. Adjust default Shift Dash speed of player
  • New Conditional: inFrontIsImpassable. Check if the tile/event in front of a character is impassable
  • New Conditional: jumpTo(‘player’, distance). Distance is a maximum amount of tiles event can jump to
  • New Command: Fast Equip Weapon. Quickly equip next/previous weapon available in inventory
  • New Command: Assign New Passive. Add more common event  dynamically to an existing <passive: x> of an event
  • Adjustment: Events with <pass> notetag will only be passable if they have an active page
  • Adjustment: The demo is now compatible with Xbox and Playstation Controllers
  • Adjustment: Dash now accept 360 degree when played with Gamepad
  • Adjustment: Events HP will persists across map transfers
  • Adjustment: Parameters reorganized
  • Adjustment: Platforms tile to be game tile size instead of fixed at 48px
  • Adjustment: Hotbar Creator now fetch key button from Hendrix Keyboard Gamepad, bringing a better experience for player
  • Adjustment: Optimized checkRange method for better performance
  • Adjustment: Optimized HP Bar for better performance
  • Demo Adjustment: Boss HP now use its own <hp> instead of a separate variable
  • Demo Adjustment: Swing Weapon map hitbox to be more detailed
  • Demo Adjustment: OverTimeAttack skills like Vortex will now deal damage
  • Demo Adjustment: Improved attack feedback


Hendrix RPG Maker Action Combat MZ (v1.3.0).zip 71 MB
22 hours ago

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(2 edits)

Not sure, but I think the key config is kind of bugged. I've disabled "dash" function in my game. Set "SPACE" as action key and changed dash key for something else (like "N"). Can't proceed any action by spacebar. When I changed into somethign else, like default "E" it works. "SPACE" is not. Can you check this, please?

Ps. Thank you for your hard work, Sang! Really appreciated!

Can you create a new thread and upload a screenshot or a lot of screenshot of your configuration? I'll check it out.

Of course.